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Kittredge Magnet School

Dekalb County Schools

4th Grade Art

4th Grade Art and Homework

4th Grade Art at KMS! 

Welcome to Kittredge Magnet School new 4th graders! I look forward to being your art teacher for the next three years. My goal is for you to gain as many new skills and learn as many new techniques as possible, and to improve on those you already have. I also hope you will walk away with an understanding of how the visual arts are a part of our everyday life, and a record of human history.

Use the "Calendar with Art Days" tab to see a calendar of upcoming art days.  The teacher's name indicates who you have for art. Instead of that class, you will have art class. If you see a teacher's name that teaches you, then you have art on that day, at the normal time you would have that synchronous class.


Drawing Objects from Observation!!!
Here it is kiddos! 
The culmination of our drawing unit: Looking at an object and drawing it from observation.
Practice, practice, practice!!! 

4th Grade Art Assignment #6: 
Drawing Forms from Observation
Whatever stations you do not get to in class, you will complete for homework. You may also fix up/ correct any stations you did draw in class.

Due: Longitudes: Dec. 12
Latitudes: Dec. 13

4th Grade Art Assignment #5: 
Be sure to read the entire Google Doc look at the finished samples, and watch the embedded video to remind yourself of what we did in class. 
Homework: Pages 1-4 of the Values Packet. 
Due: Longitudes: Tuesday, Nov. 15   Latitudes: Wednesday, Nov. 16

4th Grade Art Assignment #4: 
Be sure to read the entire Google Doc and watch the embedded video to remind yourself of what we did in class.
Due in Sketchbook: Scene made up of Circles Ovals and Lines, drawn using light, sketchy motions as shown in class and video: 
Latitudes: Monday, October 24
Longitudes: Friday, October 21

4th Grade Art Assignment #3: 
Rough draft practice of your name design on printer paper:
Latitudes: September 9 from Ms. Henriquez
Longitudes: September 12 from Frau V
The 4th Grade Name Design! You will be creating a piece of art which will contain your name, plus a drawing that represents you in some way. 

4th Grade Art Assignment #2: 
Longitudes: Wednesday, August 31 from Dr. B
Latitudes: Thursday, Sept. 1 from C. Steele

R.O.+A.R. Assignment!
You will be creating a piece of art in your sketchbook about our school code of conduct. 
It is very important that you follow the given rubric to include everything you must in the piece. How you design it, is up to you, of course...

4th Grade Art Assignment #1: 
Longitudes: Tuesday, August 23 from Piercy
Latitudes: Wednesday, August 24 from McClellan

The first homework assignment is quite simple: to take letters, which are drawn with lines, and turn them into 2-dimensional shapes. Use the example in the Google Doc assignment as a guide to write/draw each letter, upper and lower case. Use them as a guide, but do not trace- you will not gain the skills well that way, and it's really obvious if you do.

Do this homework on lined notebook paper. Upper case letters should be 3 lines tall, and the lower case letters should be 2 lines tall. Leave a line empty between rows so each row is easily read.

Make sure the tops and bottoms of all letters are touching the lines that are guiding them. Make sure each letter has open space within its space.