Carpool Procedures for Arrival & Dismissal
Find a Carpool: Information Exchange
Bus list with locations and times
Atlanta area google map with bus locations
Blackburn Map Northlake Map
Memorial Map Peachtree Map
Schedule Overview
7:10am Drop off begins
7:35am Tardy bell rings/morning announcements
7:40am Classes begin
2:20pm Classes end
2:25pm Dismissal begins (details below)
First Day Arrival
We open our doors at 7:10am. Unfortunately, due to parking, traffic and safety concerns, you may not park and walk your child to class. All students must arrive in carpool or by bus. Carpool and traffic will take a very long time on the first day. Please be prepared and patient. We will have the bus and carpool lane as well as the front doors to the building staffed. All students will be given assistance as needed to find their homerooms.
All Students - All Classes
Please be prepared on the first day to go to PE (wear tennis shoes). Fifth & sixth graders will go to Chorus, Band & Strings but should wait to bring their instruments until Tuesday. If they haven't already, students should bring all school supplies with them on the first day. Homeroom teachers will help students get their materials organized.
Water, Breakfast & Lunch
Students may bring a water bottle or use the water fountains. We have fillers in each hall and in the cafeteria.
Breakfast is served at 7:15am. We typically have about 20 students eating breakfast in the cafeteria. They usually finish breakfast in about 10 minutes.
Students may bring a lunch from home or get a school lunch in the cafeteria. Students eat in the cafeteria with 8 students per table. Staff supervision is present at all times during lunch.
For the first week, we go very slowly at dismissal to ensure that all children are dismissed safely and correctly. Our normal times are below. Expect major delays the first week.
2:25 Dismissal begins. Students report to the bus or to carpool
2:30 Buses leave campus
2:40 Carpool ends
Please be sure your child knows clearly how he/she is getting home from school on the first day. Please do not change transportation plans mid-day.
Find a Carpool
Visit the carpool page on the PTA website to find a carpool. After you experience the morning and afternoon traffic jam early this week, you will understand why so many of our families carpool.