Kittredge Magnet School

Dekalb County Schools

Virtual Learning at KMS

Virtual Learning @KMS
The KMS VL plan & schedule was developed through a careful review and reflection of the spring experience as well as multiple hours of professional learning and collaboration. It is based on our core values as educators at Kittredge Magnet School and includes the following assumptions and beliefs.
    Every child will have a device that is theirs to use while at home. This device is either already at home or will be provided by Kittredge.
    Children will have varying levels of supervision and support at home. Our plan teaches students directly how to access and use all virtual learning tools including but not limited to Google Classroom, video conferencing, Outlook email and Infinite Campus.
    Children thrive with structure. A daily schedule will be followed.
    Children progress academically when instruction is clear, engaging, challenging and fun.
    Children need social time with their peers to build a sense of community within their class and school. KMS will open the year with a major focus on community building.
    Children who are given high expectations (for both the quality and timeliness of their assignments) always rise to meet those expectations and have a sense of pride in their accomplishments.
    Children will need a review of concepts and a teacher who can fill learning gaps even as we continue learning virtually.
    Virtual learning works best with a significant amount of teacher "face time." KMS students will be meeting "live online" with certain sets of teachers at least four days per week.
    Virtual learning requires breaks from class periods throughout the day for snacks, lunch, playtime, homework time and online tutorials.
    Communication between school and home is important. Parents and teachers will use established channels of communication to work together to find solutions to problems and to help students succeed with virtual learning.
    Parents will do their best to assume the "guide by the side" role for their children by allowing them to complete their own assignments and encouraging them daily with our Kittredge motto: YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS

You can find your child's schedule below